The Whole Mom
Perinatal Mental Health

About Whole Mom Bingo
Finding time for yourself as a mom is a challenge in and of itself, and sometimes figuring out how to use that time to fill your cup is even more of a challenge than the time commitment.
The Whole Mom Bingo was designed as a creative way for moms to engage in self-care without having to figure out what to do. See, we spend most of our time managing other people's tasks and schedules so when it comes to thinking about one more thing we typically skip taking care of ourselves.
In an effort to reduce the stress that can be associated with "finding time for me" I have created a Bingo card that makes it more fun and appealing rather than daunting. The idea is to try and get Bingo weekly, and possibly fill your card monthly to ensure you are prioritizing yourself, and you might even win a prize.